Part Four

Part Four

    Svidrigailov talked that he visited Raskolnikov because he wanted to be close to him and to see Dounia. It was because of intellect that he persuaded Dounia to elope. He said that intellect should serve sexual desire. He confessed he himself might be a bad man or a sacrifice. Raskolnikov said Svidrigailov to go out. Svidrigailov told there was not any suspicion of him about Marfa Petrovna’s death and how he got married with Marfa Petrovna and at that time Marfa paid his debt on behalf of him, the bond of which was made by Marfa in the name of another person and she restricted him. However she at last returned the bond to him and moreover gave him some money together. Svidrigailov told Raskolnikov his experience about a ghost.

    Svidrigailov proposed that he would give 10,000 ruble to reduce the damage of engagement abandonment between Luzhin and Dounia. Raskolnikov got angry at its “unforgiven abuse”. Svidrigailov gave his strong wish to see Dounia and told that Dounia would be given 3,000 ruble in Marfa’s will. Svidrigailov met Razumihin when he got out the room.

   Raskolnikov told Razumihin about Svidrigailov, saying “ I am so scared of him.”. They told they would protect Dounia against Svidrigailov. Raskolnikov told that he might be mad and see only illusion and happenings in these two or three days might be the result of his imagination.
    With Luzhin Raskolnikov entered the room of the mother and sister. There was a conversation about Svidrigailov for a while. Svidrigailov came to Sankt-Petersburg. Luzhin told the affair about Svidrigailov, which was ended only as a rumour because of Marfa Petrovna’s influence.

    Raskolnikov told Svidrugailov’s visit, which astonished them, to tell Svidrigailov’s wish to see Dounia and an inheritance of 3,000 ruble to Dounia from Marfa Petrovna. Mother, Pulcheria, said “it is merciful” and prompted Dounia to pray.        
    Raskolnikov did not tell Svidrigailov’s proposal to Dounia in front of Luhzin. Luhzin did not tell several important things in front of Raskolnikov neither, because his wish not to present with Raskolnikov was not accepted. Dounia insisted her brother’s presence was because of her will and she must choose one of them if there was not reconciliation between Luzhin and Rskolnikov. Luzhin insisted a spouse should have priority over a brother.
    Luzhin said to Pulcheria “marriage with a poor girl is morally useful to that with not a poor one” and asked if the cause was written in her letter that Raskolnikov criticized Luzhin for it. Pulcheria told she and her daughter came to Sankt-Petersburg because she did not think Luzhin’s thought bad.

    Regarding the money Raskolnikov gave to Marmeladov’s family when he died Sonia’s conduct was spoken and a possibility of compromise disappeared in their opposition. Moreover when Pulcheria criticized Luzhin for his imperative writing, Luzhin said the inheritance of 3,000 ruble to Dounia was the reason of the change of manner of mother and daughter and suggested Svidrigailov’s proposal. It seemed clear that the negotiations broke down. Luzhin told that he proposed the marriage neglecting the rumour about Dounia and he might expect the reward of the restoration of Dounia’s honour. A complete break occurred.
    However Luzhin thought there would be a possibility of restoration between the two women and him even in that situation.

    The break between Luzhin and Raskolnikov’s family was unexpected for Luzhin. It was because of his vanity and self-confidence of conceit and he felt the severest insult for his true value not to have been recognized.  
    Dounia apologized Raskolnikov to mistake Luzhin. Mother Pulcheria was relieved with the inheritance of 3,000 ruble, even though she was at the mercy of what happened. Raskolnikov talked about the meeting with Svidrigaulov that Svidrigailov wanted to offer Dounia 10,000 ruble and to see her earnestly. Raskolnikov said he refused it but Doinia was scared.

    Razumihin suggested to start publishing business based on funds of the inheritance from Marfa and that from his uncle.
    Raskolnikov suddenly was going to leave there. He said not to see his mother and sister for a while, asking Razumihin to look after them. 
    A certain idea, something like a hint, slipped between Raskolinikov and Razumihin when they parted. Something awful and hideous was suddenly understood to both of them.    Since that evening Razumihin became a son and a brother of the mother and sister.

    Raskolnikov visited Sonia’s room. She defended Katerina Ivanovna earnestly saying “Katerina is right”. To the Raskolnikov’s question that only she supported all the family, Sonia told her hardship. She confessed she should be kinder to Marmeladov and Katerina. Raskolnikov asked how she would do if her life became severer. She replied “God does not do such a thing”. For such an attitude Raskolnikov suddenly kissed her leg saying “I have lowered my head for the sake of the pain of all the mankind”.
    Raskolnikov asked “Why are you a criminal who killed yourself for useless matter and why is there a holy feeling utterly opposite to such disgust ? Why didn’t you daringly commit suicide ?”. Sonia replied “How would the family manage to live ?”. Raskolnikov thought she would possibly become mad.

    Sonia told her faith in God against even more Raskolnikov’s questions.
    Raskolnikov asked her to read the Raising of Lazarus in the Bible that Sonia brought and had been read by Sonia together with Lizaveta Ivanovna. For the beginning Sonia hesitated to read but she gradually was going to read the Bible. Raskolnikov told they transgressed and should go on the same way, thinking that was the last chance to tell her. He left her room after telling he would confess who had killed Lizaveta tomorrow.
    At the neibouring room Svidrigailov heard the whole conversation between them.

    Raskolnikov visited Porfiry at the department of the investigation of criminal causes. He expected that the police was waiting for him, which was not the case. His chest was boiled with anger, feeling fear of Porfiry. Porfiry welcomed him but seemed to be taken aback. He was not interested in the document Raskolnikov showed about the watch pawned to Alyona. Porfiry, smiling to Raskolnikov, paid no attention to Raskolnikov’s question that Porfiry would keep the suspect off guard and suddenly ask a question being a decisive factor and amaze him.

    Raskolnikov asked examination, telling if not he would leave there. Porfiry calmed Raskolnikov, telling a rambling story and then began to tell a fictitious story as if to explain Raskolnikov’s behaviour from court cases. Raskolnikov got angry about Porfiry’s talk, telling he should be arrested if Porfiry thought he was a murderer. On the other hand Porfiry’s attitude was just like he had no suspicion about Raskolnikov. Porfiry was anxious about Raskolnikov if he was sick.

    Porfiry emphasized if Raskolnikov had anything to do about the incident he would not say he did it in his right mind. Porfiry told Raskolnikov to believe him and did not suspect Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov cried for Porfiry to make clear he was suspected or not. Porfiry said to Raskolnikov to be quiet in commanding tone. Porfiry was going to show Raskolnikov something behind a door who insisted not to play with him. What happened then was beyond the imagination of the them two.

    A noise was heard from the next room, and then someone said “The prisoner Nikolay has been brought.” A young man dressed like a workman came in. Raskolnikov was upset to hear that Nikolay killed Alyona Ivanovna and her sisiter Lizaveta. Porfiry was flurried but urged Raskolnikov to go out. To Raskolnikov’s question “Would you show me an unexpected gift ? ” Porfiry answered “You are a sarcastic person. We will see each other sometime.” Regarding Porufiry’s speech to Nikolay “Do not tell a lie. You are telling a made-up story.”, that Raskolnikov heard, Porfiry told it was the humour of Gogol.

    Raskolnikov came back to his room and was lost in thought. A falsehood must be revealed. Porfiry’s strategy was understood by Raskolnikov more than anyone else. The fact might be revealed if there was be a little more chance. He thought what was an unexpected gift which Porfiry said and where was the man Raskolnikov met yesterday.

    The man of yesterday appeared from the door like one who appeared from the ground (Part Three chapter 6 ). He said he was wrong. He was a merchant selling fur and was under the gate of the house which Raskolnikov visited and where the murder happened (Part Two chapter 6). Raskolnikov understood this man did not have any proof and also “unexpected gift” was he. The man had talked with Porfiry before Raskolnikov met Porfiry and then heard the conversation between Raskolnikov and Porfiry. He apologized that he made a false charge against Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov recovered his vigour and felt contempt and shame about his “cowardice”.