Summary of Part Ⅰ

     Prince Muishkin met Rogojin in the train returning from the hospital in Switzerland. Rogojin had a trouble with his father because he gave a present to a beauty Nastasia using his father’s money. He was returning to his home because his father died.

     Prince Muishkin visited general Epanchin’s house and became close with the family. Nastasia was in special connection with Totskey, who was one of the friends of Epanchin. Totski intended Gavrila to get married with Nastasia and he himself wanted to get married with the eldest daughter of Epanchin. Muishkin was fascinated with Nastasia’s beauty looking at her photo. Ambitious Gavrila was annoyed with which woman he should choose Nastasia or Aglaya who was the third daughter of Epanchin.

     Prince Muishkin began to live in Gavrila’s house and became close with the family of general Ivolgin who was in reduced circumstances. The family was in a bitter domestic dispute regarding Gavrila’s marriage. Mrs. Epanchin, Nina, was opposite to Gavrila’s marriage with Nastasia because of her nasty rumour and Valvara, Gavrila’s sister, strongly opposed against Gavrila. There unexpectedly Nastasia appeared and disturbance happened. Furthermore Rogojin appeared with his group and he talked about his money to bring with and the disturbance became more sever. After Nastasia and Rogojin’s group left the home, Ivolgin’s family apologized Prince Muishkin.

     Prince Muishkin left for Nastasia’s house with Gavrila’s younger brother Nicolai where Nastasia’s birthday party would be held. Muishkin was not invited in advance but Nastasia allowed him to join. At the end of the party Nastasia asked Muishkin whether she should get married or not. He answered ‘no’ then she denied the marriage and talked to Totski that he was free without giving money to Nastasia.

     Rogojin entered the room bringing money of one hundred thousand ruble with his group and Nastasia said that Rogojin knocked her down by that money. She also said the marriage would not be accepted to Gavrila’s family. Muishkin said Nastasia was “pure” and he himself would take care of her. It was told that Muishkin inherited Pavlicheff’s property. However Nastasia told that she did not want to spoil his life.  

     After Nastasia declared she would go with Rogojin, she threw the money Rogojin had brought there into the fireplace and ordered Gavrila to pick it up. Gavrila could not endure such torture that he lost consciousness. Nastasia took the money out from the fireplace and left it to Gavrila and went out with Rogojin.