In Kanazawa, Japan, we have the meeting to read the novels written by Dostoevsky in Japanese translation since 2010.
It is said that the novels of Dostoevsky are difficult to read. In Japan late Egawa Taku, a researcher of Russian literature, wrote the series of “Mystery of Dostoevsky”. But they are interesting and some peoples are devoted in his novels.
We cannot comprehend them even once we read personally but it is thought talking each other would bring more comprehension. Then we continue the meeting. Until 2019 we finished “Crime and Punishment” and “The idiot” and then we have started “Demon”.
In this home-page I write summaries by my own. I hope there will be convenience for someone who want to be close to and to read again the literature of Dostoevsky.
Presenter : used to be an engineer of NTT. Hobbies are to see art, to listen to classic music, to visit temples and see Buddhism statues and to see Noh. Living in Kanazawa city, Japan.