Crime and Punishment

      Raskolnikov, who thought that a person of ability was allowed to kill a mankind to be excluded, made a plan to kill an old moneylending woman. Conscience sometimes refused his plan but he accidentally knew there was a chance when the woman would be alone. Napoleonic thought overcame his mind and he committed a murder. But he killed her sister as well against his first intention.

      The murder was not found by anybody. He could throw the preliminary court judge Porfiry off the track who was charged with the murder case.

      Raskolnikov encountered drunkard Marmeladov’s death because of being knocked down by a horse and had a relation with his family while he met Sonya, a prostitute.

      Marriage affair of Raskolnikov’s elder sister Dunya arose, which would save Raskolnikov’ family from their poverty. But Raskolnikov opposed against Luzhin who was going to be married with Dunya.

      Talking between Luzhin and Dunya with Raskolnikov ended in failure. An inheritance from Marfa Petrovna to Dunya was announced. Donya and Razumihin, Raskolnikov’ friend, became intimate.

      Raskolnikov asked Sonya to read “The Raising of Lazarus” in the Bible which used to belong to the sister of the killed moneylending woman.

      Raskolnikov was hit by Sonya’s purity and confessed his murder. Sonya said him to kiss the ground and ask to allow his crime. But he did not accept it. Sonya insisted to go together with him even for his imprisonment but he said not to accept it.

      Svidorigailov, the vice principal character, heard secretly all the talk of them in the neighbouring room. He used to be the master of the home where Donya was a private teacher and came to St. Petersburg to accomplish his love for her to disturb marriage of Donya and Luzhin.

      Porfiry visited Raskolnikov’ room and recommended self-surrender but he did not accept it.

      Svidorigailov forced Donya to accept his desire but she denied. Afterward he committed suicide.

      Considering the thoughts of women, his mother, Donya and Sonya, Raskolnikov made his mind to do self-surrender. While he was going to the police office, he hesitated but at last made a confession, being helped mentally by Sonya.

      Even after he was imprisoned in the jail, where Sonya followed, Raskolnikov did not feel his genuine regret, while he adhered to Napoleonic thought. But he was moved when he dreamed during his disease the extinction of the society where people persisted in their own thought. After the talk with Sonya their destiny varied. In Raskolnikov’s mind the hope formed which was different from before and longed to live with Sonya, even he must be imprisoned for 7 years more.